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In strict accordance with the requirements of the national development strategy, we have further established a culture system of “Pursuing Perfection, Taking Responsibility, and Being Accountable.”. By establishing a team of culture trainers and publishing the Collection of Corporate Culture Stories themed with the corporate culture of “Lean Management & Accountability,” we have ensured that the our corporate culture is known and rooted in the hearts and minds of all employees. We will continue to strengthen the development of a safety culture and have completed safety culture planning, compiled safety culture manuals, summarized and sorted safety behavior norms, and have built a safety culture behavior system. We continue to promote the development and integration of culture in production, operation, and management practices, and continue to enhance the soft power of the company’s culture and core competitiveness.

The “Lean Management & Accountability” culture system strives to build the mainstream culture system of CYPC that complies with the advancing direction of advanced socialist culture with distinctive time features, rich management connotation and characteristics. Taking lean safety as its core, it pursues responsibility and dedication, and is based on collaboration and integrity, driven by learning and innovation, backed by harmonious and civilized environment, and aimed at excellent, efficient, and standardized services.

China Electricity Council(CEC)

“Lean Management & Accountability” culture system of CYPC, with a clear development logic after repeated discussions, embodies the highest level of CYPC’s culture management practice and theory development. The company’s research has summarized a characteristic culture building path from its history and culture, the industry environment, and the long-term practices. It highly matches the core socialist values and reflects the advancement of culture construction of state-owned enterprises in China. “Lean Management & Accountability” culture system of CYPC represents the new orientation for spiritual civilization development of the global hydropower energy industry; and it also provides enlightenment and sets an example for enterprise culture construction of power industry enterprises.

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